Milena — Izmir → Kobe

Varamar performed the shipment of dismantled factory for MITSUBISHI HITACHI POWER SYSTEMS. Project cargo (ducting parts in 22 packages; gross weight: 121.573,00 kg) was loaded in Turkey and safely discharged in Japan.

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Vectis Isle — Bremen→ Karachi

TOTAL WEIGHT: 109,628.00 KGS TOTAL AREA: 156,220 CBM.
The transformer was produced by JST Transformateurs, manufacturer of electric transformers with more than 50 years...

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Stellar Maestro — Derince → Duqm

VARAMAR performed shipment of equipment for the Duqm Refinery in Oman from Turkey. The cargo (67 packages, parts of heaters) was shipped in the framework of the Duqm Refinery project...

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Stellar Maestro — Marghera → Duqm

The cargo (CRYOGENIC NITROGEN PACKAGE and HP INSTRUMENT AIR COMPRESSOR PACKAGE) was shipped from Italy to Oman’s Duqm Refinery, based in Al Duqm...

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Stellar Maestro — Marina di Carrara → Dammam

«The cargo (2 pieces: Centrifugal Compressor R90-K-0201B and auxiliary parts...»

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Eemslift Ellen — Laem Chabang → Jorf Lasfar

TOTAL WEIGHT: 536.062,00 KGS

TOTAL AREA: 2741.470 CBM

The cargo (72 packages of machinery parts) was produced and shipped by Italy-based plantmaker Danieli, a full cycle provider from raw materials...

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